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Additional Montessori Reading Resources

The following books will give you an excellent introduction to Montessori and will help you delve as deep as you would like into the Montessori System of Education and the Science and Psychology behind it:

Title: The Tao of Montessori
Author: McTamaney, Catherine
Title: The Absorbent Mind
Author: Maria Montessori
Title: The Discovery of the Child
Author: Maria Montessori
Title: Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook
Author: Maria Montessori
Title: To Educate the Human Potential
Author: Maria Montessori
Title: The Montessori Method
Author: Maria Montessori
Title: The Secret of Childhood
Author: Maria Montessori
Title: The Essential Montessori
Author: Elizabeth G. Hainstock
Title: Montessori: The Science behind the Genius
Author: Angeline Stoll Lillard
Title: Montessori – A Modern Approach
Author: Paula Polk Lillard
Title: Montessori Today
Author: Paula Polk Lillard
Title: Montessori in the Classroom
Author: Paula Polk Lillard
Title: Maria Montessori, her Life and her Work
Author: E.M. Standing

How to incorporate and work with Montessori at home:

Title: Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Preschool Years
Author: Elizabeth G. Hainstock
Title: Teaching Montessori in the Home: The School Years

Author: Elizabeth G. Hainstock
Title: A Parent's Guide to the Montessori Classroom
Author: Aline D. Wolf