My Application



Student Information



Student Details

Please provide information about the child being enrolled.


Student’s Saskatchewan Education Information

Emergency Protocol

Student Medical Information

Daytime Emergency Contact

This is someone beside the Parent/Guardian. For each contact, list First Name, Last Name, Phone, whether they have a vehicle, and in which order they should be called. Add one per line.

Student Pick-up Authorization

Please provide First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number for all authorized individuals, one per line. (Required)

Out of School Excursions

Out of school excursions are an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Students will be taking various excursions throughout the year on purposeful and planned learning experiences. Excursions will be appropriately supervised. It is expected that student behaviour will be the same as it is at school.

I hereby give my permission for my child to take part in the educational excursions planned throughout the current school year, with the understanding that I will receive notification in writing sent home with my child prior to each outing.

Photo, Video, Media Permissions. Checked boxes means you have granted permission.

School Directory / Home and School Permissions

Extended Care is care provided for children who need care outside of regular school hours. It runs from 7:30 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. and from 3:40 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. For rates, please see: Policies, Regulations, and Fees

Complete Application

Categories: ,

Application Sections

  • Student Information
  • Emergency Protocol
  • Extended Care
  • Complete Application